Wednesday, November 30, 2005

To satisfy the masses, another entry.

Hmmm...I've never actually written anything in a blog before ("blog" -- come on, people....are we really too lazy to say the first two letters, "we"?) -- but, I'll try to come up with something.

It's snowing out. As opposed to snowing "in". Anyway, it's beautiful, at least in my view. There are some pointy-headed individuals who think it's putrid and depressing, but I reserve those words to describe my conversations with liberals. At least concerning politics -- I suppose liberals can be nice people, but when it comes to reasoning, they're about 2 tacos short of a Full Meal Deal. Here's an example, using a fictional character I'll refer to as Bruce, my brother:

Bruce: Mark, why are you a conservative?

Mark: Well, Bruce, thanks for asking...

Bruce: Mark, you don't have to be defensive.

Mark: What? Well, anyway, what I was going to say was that I'm conservative basically because I've derived my political positions based on my fundamental beliefs in God and the world we live in.

Bruce: Why are you so angry about it?

Mark: Angry about what? I'm just explaining...

Bruce: Mark, just need to get out into the world so you can come to the same deep, all-knowing understanding of the universe and this "god" character as I've come to.

Mark: But, I haven't even discussed what I believe in regard to...

Bruce: It doesn't matter, does it? Your short-sighted beliefs are what's causing all the evil in the world. And when I say "evil", I mean a very general definition of "evil", because really, "good" and "evil" are only what you define them to be.

Mark: But...

Bruce: Mark, please. Save your judgemental attitude for someone else. Your narrow definition of right and wrong is exactly what's wrong with the world.

Mark: But, what about your definition of right and wrong?

Bruce: I'm much more open-minded than you conservative hate-mongers. There are no rights or wrongs, just opinions. And you're wrong to think that there are rights and wrongs.

Mark: But you've just contradicted yourself.

Bruce: Mark, stop the hatred. You've got a lot of anger issues to deal with.

Mark: I just pooped...

And, here we are back at poop. And doesn't it all come back to poop? Poop and conservatism -- it's what's for dinner.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Well, it's about time I posted something new. So, here you go!